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A Message From the Director

On behalf of Livingston Virtual and Livingston Parish Public Schools, welcome to Livingston Virtual.  The program is Livingston Parish Public Schools' online learning option for students grades six (6) through twelve (12) residing in Livingston Parish. Our mission is to grow and expand the educational opportunities for students residing in Livingston Parish. We believe all students can succeed and that students should be at the center of every decision made to engage them in learning while still setting high expectations and working collaboratively with students, parents, and teachers to reach those expectations. Livingston Virtual will support students in their quests for excellence as lifelong learners in a safe and caring environment as they journey toward their future destination on a slightly different path.


Our program will combine rigorous academics with a variety of learning experiences, instructional approaches, and academic-support strategies to address the individual needs, interests, aspirations, and backgrounds of students – to create an extraordinary online learning experience. Like a traditional brick-and-mortar school, Livingston Virtual has highly qualified, certified teachers who will instruct and coach students through online courses. Livingston Virtual will focus on authentic and personalized learning, student mastery, and community as well as rigor, relevance, and relationships in order to cultivate citizens who are college, career, and community ready. During the upcoming school year, students should anticipate working approximately five (5) to six (6) hours per day to remain on-pace to complete the courses and earn credits. To meet this challenge, students must continuously demonstrate the following competencies associated with a successful online experience: superior communication skills, self-motivation and discipline, and ownership of learning.


If you have any questions during the upcoming school year, please do not hesitate to contact Livingston Virtual at (225) 667-5268 or at The Livingston Virtual staff is ready to assist you in any possible way. If I can personally be of assistance, please do not hesitate to email me directly at I look forward to getting to know you this school year.


Kindest regards,


Lorna B. Ott


M. Ed.

Livingston Virtual Director

Our Mission

The mission of Livingston Virtual is to offer a different educational opportunity for students residing in Livingston Parish.  The program is designed to engage students in their learning while still setting high expectations and working collaboratively with students, parents, and teachers to reach those expectations. Livingston Virtual will support students in their quests for excellence as lifelong learners whose journeys toward their future destinations may be on a slightly different paths.​

Our History

Discussions about providing students residing in Livingston Parish additional academic opportunities opposed to our traditional brick and mortar schools began in 2016.  Livingston Virtual, a program for students who, for a variety of reasons,  would do better in a blended learning environment of online and in-person instruction, was presented to LPPS Board Members in February 2020.  Members of the LPPS Curriculum Department and the staff of Livingston Virtual worked to develop policies and procedures for the program, and students began the first classes in August 2020.

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