Is Livingston Virtual Right For Me?
Are You Currently Enrolled in Public School?
Are You Currently Enrolled in a Private School?
Are You Currently Enrolled in Charter School?
Are You Currently Enrolled in Home School?
Are you seeking a new academic option located within Livingston Parish?
Livingston Virtual is open to students in grades six (6) through twelve (12) residing within Livingston Parish Public Schools attendance zones.
If you answer YES to most of the following questions, then Livingston Virtual may be for you:
Do I stay on task without direct supervision?
Am I able to set and achieve goals?
Can I prioritize my course load and work independently?
Do I have the time to commit to online classes that may take more time than traditional classes?
Am I personally invested in my own education?
Am I self-motivated and self-disciplined to meet online program expectations?
Am I confident in my academic abilities?
Am I self-directed?
Do I have strong time management skills?
Do I show determination when confronted with obstacles?
Do I have consistent access to a computer and the Internet?
Am I technologically literate?
Am I dedicated to maintaining a positive record of attendance by logging in daily to work on online lessons?
Do I have consistent transportation to and from the Livingston Virtual site?
If you answered YES to the above questions, review
*Admission to Livingston Virtual is not guaranteed.